@invalid  by your logic an inferior quality LP is the preferred end product.  The all analog purists that started this ridiculous tempest in a teapot would happily pay a premium for an inferior product, Right?  Taste of the sausage is all that counts.  Beyond that, obsession over the process is an individual issue (problem!).  Don't like, or more accurately, don't understand the process - don't buy the product.  Move on with life. Far too little personal responsibility, far too much blaming others with the demand for compensation or validation of individual foibles.



People should be ashamed. A bunch of slackers wanting something for nothing. America.

@texbychoice  it doesn't matter if you think an all analog process is inferior, people should get what was advertised.

@secretguy  I don't think anyone should get anything more than their money back if they choose. 

People should be ashamed. A bunch of slackers wanting something for nothing. America.


Even before all these frivolous lawsuits, vinyl bozos will on average return 6 copies of a pressing before they found their 'perfect' copy, 



I am somewhat confused: if they have great ears and 10K-100K etc system how come they didn't hear the digital "pollution"/limitations in those recordings?