Magnepan “X” upgrade program

Magnepan has an upgrade program here.  For the new 2.7i it’s around a 4K upgrade.  Not sure if upgrades apply to already purchased speakers.  I’m posting for the many Maggie fans on this forum 


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1,454 posts


Why would you want a magneplanar (stock or modded) when you can make an inexpensive Dipole two way speaker that is superior for very ittle money? Use the 12 inch woofs used in the Caladan and Spatial X4 and use GRS planars above them...crossed over at 400hz. Way more dynamic....way more sensitive.....way more exciting. Please listen to the sound on this Youtube video about the Spatial X4.......however this Beyma AMT that you hear in the video is crossed somewhere around imagine a dipole planar crossed at 400hz......same woofs. The X4 in this video is the older updated with better xover parts and now costs $9800. The speaker you can build will not cost more than $2K. Listen to the bass on these tracks. 2 12 inch great woofs on an open baffle are seriously good. I will have my version up and running some time this week.....this is getting exciting!



This thread originally posted while I was incommunicado.

For he who is willing and able to do the work him or herself, GR Research offers an upgrade kit for far less than $4000. The kit also includes a cross-over that "corrects" the frequency response imbalances Maggies are inflicted with, which the X upgrade leaves uncorrected. The GRR kit also bypasses the fuse block (with all it’s ferrous parts), which I assume the X upgrade leaves intact. The GRR kit obviates the need for the fuse, even on the Maggie ribbon tweeter.

Let it be known that I am no Maggie hater; I bought my first pair in 1973 (Tympani T-I), and currently own a pair of Tympani T-IVa.



You lay things out very clearly, addressing the questions I'd been ruminating on.

I would think Magnepan would prefer to do the X mods before they close up the speakers? If done after they are built, that might explain the $4K used mostly for labor?

If and when I get a pair, I'd most likely go down the GR-Research path.

If I don't get them, I will order the GR-Research kit for my 1.7i's.

Anyway, it's good to have something to dream about. And options.