😏....Has anyone done Krall with Krell? Just curious....
("....I know you love it, I see what you do...") 😇
@wsrrsw ....Guilty as regarded, yes....
...on all counts and accounts, finagled and otherwized. But....
Anyone who remembers Pogo, Churchy, and the CritterKrowd.....
....is about my age or preceding...*lol*
The main trick of Eq is to make it inobvious as possible but to make Your Local Version ’play’ as you’d hoped (or even had heard IRL) to manage.
I’ve had those ’Budget (don’t budge much) asaPractical) Blues’d for more than I’d preferred to live through...but have ’nuff for now...*S*
HO, and just ’hunch’ based....BACCH just reinforces the sweet dot into a line as of reported experience of the lucky ones @ the Really Big Shew.....Jury out to lunch over heard in a proper space v. hotel hostile hang....
...and a bigbuckbox with....real *Bang* v. "..well.....ok...."
?.... I've got to show at a show....if only to prove what's feared. *LOL*
It’s hard to be a cynical optimist....but there you go to where you’ll be eventually...
Averting upwize, J