Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700

I recently upgraded my power amp from a Nakamichi PA7Aii to PS Audio M700 monoblocks.  I honestly expected to flip the M700 pair quickly because I did not think they would be better than the PA7Aii.  The M700s actually provide a wider and more detailed soundstage.  I sold the Nak.

I listen (often passively) for several hours each day.  I began to identify a 'shrill' on the high end.  Since I had upgraded my DAC (DirectStream Mk1) I initially thought that could be it.  I rotated three DACs through the system (DS, N130, and Eversolo DMP-A6).  All of them had the shrill.  I then put in an old NAD 7600 and the shrill went away along with a lot of the detail.  Put the M700 back in and used the EQ from the DMP-A6 streamer to limit extreme high end.  Ended up with a -1 Q starting at 19,500 Hz that solved the shrill, but also muddied the high end detail.  I don't trust the EQ a lot and figure more is being impacted than the targeted range.

This led me to consider upgrading the M700 pair.  I have a  pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers with low sensitivity efficiency (81 to 86 depending on who the source is) with a pair of Rythmik F12SE subs and an active crossover at 100 Hz controlled by the SPL Crossover.  My budget is around $6K.

Looked at the Pass XA25.  Not certain there is enough power there although a Pass representative encouraged my to try it.  I was hoping to get two used and use them as mono blocks.  

The Schiit Tyr has been on my short list for awhile (prior to buying the M700).  The Schiit AI tool actually stated the Tyr was not a good match and suggested other Schiit amps.  This seemed strange to me.  I sent an email to Schiit seeking clarification, but have not heard back.  I may go to there store in LA this week to talk to someone live.  

The Coda #8 came up as an option as I was exploring.  I looked at other Coda used products, but #8 seems to match up best. (Well, the #16 matched up best, but was more than double my budget).  I will go take a look at it later this week.  Not a mono block but could work.

I am essentially seeking the last 1-2% of the detail the Acoustats can provide.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

One final note.  I am not interested in tube power amps.  I don't like the fussiness of tubes and the Acoustats seem to pick up the hum from tubes. I know it shouldn't happen with their sensitivity, but I notice it.  It could be my prejudice, but please no tube suggestions.


I’m using the Orchard Audio StarKrimson Stereo Ultra V1 on Acoustat 3 Medallion. Orchard Audio is running an amp tour. Listen a week for free and pay shipping to next person. Sign up on their website. 

I also have a PS Audio S300. It isn't as detailed as the Orchard. Haven't hooked it up to the Acoustats. 



@thriftyaudio I originally was running a single Schitt Aegir and was happy with it. But I was really curious about the Pass stuff, so I popped for the XA 30.8. There was a lot about the Pass that was great, but when I swapped the Aegir back in I was struck by how well it was holding its own against the 7x more expensive Pass. In the end I preferred the Aegir, all things considered. At one point I had my wife blind listen to the two amps back-to-back. She said "Ok, I can hear why that's the more expensive one." Turns out she was mistaken - it was the Aegir she was saying that about!

Anyway, I returned the Pass and happily sat on the money saved + the knowledge that I wasn't getting any "second rate" sound by any means. Quite the contrary - I now had the direct experience that the Aegir absolutely played with the "big boys" and absolutely held its own. I stuck with Aegir until the Tyrs came out. I jumped on a pair, and they ended up taking the new top spot and replaced the Aegir. 

The Schiit gear has a sweeter tonality and richness to my ear. The Tyrs are incisive and powerful without calling attention to themselves. They can swing for the fences when necessary while never losing their ability to sound musical. In a hobby where the running joke is the rabbit hole of never enough, I have no desire to change anything up.

The Aegir is a good amp and one I use for my RAAL SR1a headphones (with the new interface box). There is a slightly mechanical hum to it, but it is faint, and it does not come through the music.

The latest Aegir is supposed to have fixed that hum issue.

BTW - there was someone in the Bay Area trying to sell an KRELL Duo 175XD for a song, he had no box. I was thinking about driving up there to pick it up. I think that is a great amp and owned it before. It is in the CODA #8 price range MSRP.

@yyzsantabarbara I have been warned off Krell amps by a couple of respected friends who say there are issues with fan failure in the newer units.  There is one in Orange County offered for $4700, plus The Music Room is taking offers on new sealed units at $7999, which means they will go below that.  There must be a reason they are being offered used at less than half MSRP only four years after introduction.  I am comfortable with used, but would prefer to items that hold their value like Pass.  There is a used Coda #8 offered at $4200, but that is 2/3 of new price.  I can't find any Tyr on the used market.  Of course they are only a couple of years out since introduction.

Interesting statement on the KRELL. I no longer have the 2 units I owned so I cannot offer any long tern ownership history.

I am not sure if CODA hold value as a PASS, but I would take a CODA over a PASS for my preferences. CODA also seems rock solid.