London Grammar?

Curious about people's opinions of London Grammar. I just discovered them on a Qobuz playlist.

I've only just started listening to their 3 albums. The music seems interesting enough to get my attention but not sure yet if it will hold it.

Curious as to how people feel about the technical quality of the recordings.

Interested to hear how people would classify the music. At times it seems a bit like pop.....maybe even a bit like Adele who I don't care for. But probably more than simple pop?

Curious what people think about Hannah Reid's voice. The range is certainly there. But is it disciplined? Is it it a pop gimmick? Is it AutoTuned?

What do you think about the two other musicians?


Gave some of their most popular tunes a listen and not for me.  I found the music to be minimalist and not very engaging or interesting, which leaves the songs heavily dependent on her vocals that I found just lilting and likewise not very interesting or captivating.  Nothing of interest here for me and not my cuppa at all.  But that’s me.

I like them. I have curated my own London Grammar playlist on Tidal. I think their recordings sound good on my system. When I am in the mood their music hits the spot. 

@soix So give us a few examples of music that you do find “engaging” inquiring minds want to know 😉

I love help me lose my mind (Disclosure/London Grammar), one of the best songs of the 2010's

I like them. Eric the proprietor at Gig Harbor Audio turned me on. I love her voice.

So give us a few examples of music that you do find “engaging” inquiring minds want to know

@dougsat Well, something with a halfway decent melody helps as does some evidence of actual musicianship.  Nondescript synth mood music that sounds like it was composed completely on Pro Tools using AI just ain’t my thang.  Like I said, that’s just me and to each his own.  The OP asked for opinions so I was just sharing mine and no need to take it personally.