Solid state amp vs tube amps

Is there a noticeable difference in the sound quality of Tube amplifiers vs solid state amplifier?


I'm exploring the best of both worlds using an MC 901 mcIntosh amplifier. biamping capability allows mids and tweeters to receive tubes which are better for harmonics in that area and solid state for the bass which requires more power to bring it out. The dedicated amplifiers to each of these areas appears to be a really good thing.

Also using NOS small tubes is really cool too.

I also have solid state amplifiers which are gathering Dust in another room. And they were very nice with plenty of power and very  cool temperature wise.


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The idea on certain designs of Valve Amp having as part of the design an ease of access to the Valves, resulting in a very simplistic requirement to exchange a Valve is very attractive.

As exchanging Valves can and in certain cases do create a difference to an end sound that is discernible  for the impression made of being more attractive in use.

Then there is the alternative side and the one why many Valve Amp Design have the Valve visible to the user. That reason being easy observation of the Valves during use and after Power Off.

 There are not many who have a long term understanding of using Valve equipment, that would suggest a Valve Equipment is something that is switched on and forgotten. The Valve equipment is at its very best, when the user is disciplined to be vigilant in their observation of the equipment when in use and after Power Off.





Dear @wolf_garcia  : " Ask yourself why most professional electric guitar players use tube amps... Is it OK to like both SS (bad look when abbreviated) and tube amps? I have efficient speakers so I enjoy an excellent tube SEP from Dennis Had, and I rotate in a Pass XA-25 (Nelson Pass likes designing "tube-like" class A stuff) which might be the best sounding amp Pass makes. "


Your speakers are not a guitar, so for me is a uselees argument for tubes in a room/system..

N.Pass " designing " tubes like " SS ". That was a marketing flag because when he was in Threshold his way of thinking was way different.


Btw, everything the same today good class A/AB SS designs outperform the best tube you can have in mind,  overall it's just better and like everything " things " change over times. So think today not 5or 10 years ago or even older times..


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORIONS,


Solid state has gotten awfully good, whether class A, A/B, D, Gan, etc.  I don't think there's a good argument for tubes anymore, other than nostalgia or the cool factor.  I've owned several tube amps over the years, some sounded great.  But....I don't miss the heat, maintenance and overall fiddly-ness. Done with tubes.