Apple Macintosh Music System

This post has been along time coming for me. I have been lurking around for years, and have learned a lot from the people here. So here it is....

I really like my Apple Mac and iPhone. I like the quality hardware and simple software. I like that it works. I like than I can automatically backup with Time Machine and Time Capsule. I like the AirPort Express. I like the Remote App. I have ripped all of my music to Apple Lossless. I have a main system that I connect directly to and other systems that I stream using the AirPort Express. I like the way Apple allows me to access my music and share it with other devices, and around the house. I am very, VERY happy with my Apple setup.

I want to squeeze every bit of "musical information" out of my Apple system. Here is what I have found works best, but please feel free to make recommendations. I haven't listened to and tried everything.

1. MacBook Pro with a nice SSD drive. It sounds silly, but the SSD makes a huge difference. Not to mention how quick boot time and app launches are.

2. Van Den Hul polished glass optical cable to DAC. I've tried "coax" and "USB", but the optical output seems to sound a little better and more consistent.

3. Altmann DAC with a Optima Red Top power supply. Geeky, but that DAC sounds wonderful when battery powered.

4. Altmann AMP or 47 Labs Shigaraki amp. Both are sweet and gentle.

5. 47 Labs Lens speaker. Amazing!

6. 47 Labs OTA cable for interconnect and speaker cable.

As you can see, I like a smaller (more intimate) sound. I have owned a lot of Linn and Naim gear in the past, but the Altmann and 47 Labs gear still amazes me with every listen.

I'm open to something new, if I can improve.

What other DACs with optical inputs should I consider?

What about "chip amps" and single driver designs?

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time....
I've an IMac that I've tried with optical. To be honest, USB sounds much, much better in my setup. That said, toslink versus USB may well depend on the DAC and it's input implementation (the DAC3 for example doesn't handle USB very well, as I owned one for a time).
I use Mac as well. A few suggestions, and you may not like one: I've done quite a bit of experimenting and listening comparisons. I am only suggesting this because you stated you want to squeeze out every bit of musical pleasure for those zeros and ones. You may want to try ripping a few files to AIFF using the latest version of iTunes and see if it makes any difference to your ears and on your system. Yes, I know AL is lossless. I was particularly struck in differences between the sound of a file ripped in AL compared to the same file ripped using EAC (a PC-only software). You can find various debate and discussion on this topic on this and other sites. The only reasonable explanation I've heard for it is that the algorithms used to compress and decompress AL may account for differences in the files sound. Reportedly the latest version of iTunes addresses this to some extent, but this is hearsay and I've not actually compared rips on the newer version to those from the previous version. It may be worth trying yourself if you want to determine what works for you. Results will largely be dependent upon how revealing your system is, as well as your personal discrimination. Additionally, I've always preferred coax to optical, but the best optical I've tried has been a Wireworld Supernova (I think it is only a version 3). Perhaps I'll have to revisit that. Again, whatever works best for you. The best digital I've heard via computer files is far and away via the Modwright Transporter, which is a wireless server as well as a DAC (disclaimer: Modwright is a client - I do their photography and graphic design). I recently did comparisons with a friend to Empirical's Pace Car and Empirical modded Northstar DAC, as well as an Electrocompaniet EMC1-UP player and MHDT Havana DAC. The MW TP bested all in numerous blind tests we each did, unanimously and without hesitation. This was in a very revealing system using a wide variety of music. There are of course many other options to compare it to, but that's what I'd recommend given my experience. The other one I'd be curious to audition is the Berkley Alpha DAC. I have not heard it though.
Jax2 makes some great points.

I recently did some comparisons between WAV, AIFF and Apple lossless with my IMac. System is an MHDT tube DAC, Turbo-3 USB converter and a Rogue Audio Stereo 90 tube amp (modified). All files are played at 24/44.1 (I'm personally not a fan of upsampling with digital music).

WAV seemed a bit veiled/less dynamic. Could be due to a Microsoft file type being played on a Mac operating system with Apple software.

ALAC seemed broader in soundstage with better midrange presentation (snare drums and vocals were better presented, the soundstage seemed more enveloping) although the higher frequencies weren't as clear and defined as AIFF. Crucial thing here is to use error correction, regardless of CD condition. Error correction matters in rip quality.

AIFF had slightly more definition in the higher frequency and in that respect appeared slightly more accurate. That said, it was also too bright (likely due to presenting a better picture of the higher frequencies). The music also seemed less involving than ALAC, although I don't like using that term (hard to explain it any other way however). My system is pretty "warm" overall as it's all tube with a tube DAC, but I still can't handle the brightness AIFF imparts.

ALAC seemed to be the best "middle ground" in my setup, but proves the point that file types are also system/listener dependant.

Thing that sucks is, I then tried to convert an Apple Lossless file to AIFF within ITunes to see if I still had a future option of AIFF if I go ahead with Apple Lossless right now (you'd think it would work and compare equally to a direct AIFF rip from a CD). Not quite. AIFF conversion from Apple Lossless sounded the worst of all when done this way.

You would think that bits are bits at least in the software domain and that so long as the software is working as it should, all should be equal. Unfortunately it's not (and that's not opinion, it seems everyone agrees these file types sound different). Comparison couldn't be more simple when all you have to do is flip between the beginning of songs with an Ipod Touch using the remote application.

The tough part is, you have to commit to a file type unless you have a lot of time and memory on your hands to rip 2-3 versions for each CD.

Another thing that I found was that actually using the oboard hard drive of the computer sounded better than an external drive with my IMac. That again is probably system/computer dependant...
This is all great information. I have had much of the same experiences.

All of my collection is CDs, and while I'm excited about 24/96 and higher content, I'm not going to jump in now or loose sleep over it. I hope the industry finds a consistent and mature way of improving the quality in the future. I have listened to some 24/96 and 24/192 content, and it is excellent. I lived with a Linn DS for a year, but couldn't get the software to work correctly and I found Linn's approach very anti-Apple. The Altmann gives me most of the quality of the Linn DS, without the hassle and attitude.

I also tried the Bel Canto DAC3. It is a great DAC, but the Altmann sounds more "involving". (Mb9061, look what you made me do!) ;)

I am learning that "digital" is becoming as complex as "analog". File "formats" are becoming the new "pressing" and "drives/networks" are becoming the new "cartridges/tone arms". HiFi seems to be a moving target and we are in "Hot Pursuit" (as Sheriff Buford T. Justice would say).

More HiFi stuff to be neurotic about. :(

Thank you for your help and keep me posted if anything changes.
Nice thread. I use an old iMac as a server for my Transporter (wireless thru Airport Extreme), and sometimes a MacBook Pro toslinked to my dCS Elgar Plus. Thanks for the tips on glass interconnects.
The main lesson I learned: never connect any computer hardware hardwired to high end gear. Switching the Transporter from ethernet to wireless was a major improvement in my system. Other sources in the system benefited too, probably since there was no more pollution from the common ground plane.
On lossless or compression formats: take care of correct settings in iTunes! Follow the instructions from Gordon Rankin and Apple Lossless sounds as good you can get, imho:
Very useful information about the best Mac OSX setup for audio!