This isn’t exactly applicable to your question, and what I do might not fit into the structure of your life, but I generally know, on any given day, when I will be listening, and it usually after I eat dinner. So a couple or three hours before I am going to start preparing my food I turn on my CDP and the power supply section of my pre. about an hour later I turn on the rest of my pre (which lights the tubes up) and then after a few minutes or so I turn on the big power caps of my amp and then when I start making dinner I turn on the rest of the amp which lights up the tubes and when I start eating I put on some background music at a real low level.
By the time I have finished eating and cleaned up my mess my amp is pretty hot and I tell myself that sound degradation is going to be minimal. (I don’t know if it is minimal, but I tell myself so anyway.)
I definitely wouldn’t leave my tube amp on all day or overnight on purpose. Not that it has never happened before. But if you can get it on an hour or so before you start listening, that may make it sound better when you do start listening.