D’Agostino Integrateds

I am currently running a D’Agostino Progression Integrated after many years of various tube gear and Devialet. Speakers are Rockport Atria. While the resolution and impact are amazing, there is a definite lack of mid-bass warmth. I am wondering if moving up to the MxV Integrated will be the right move, or if I should go in a different direction.


If you wait a little bit , reviews should be coming soon for Vinnie Rossi Brama Integrated 2nd generation.

Less expensive than the MxV Integrated.

Less XMas lights and XMas tinsels but ,  very classic aestheticly speaking and the magic is inside.

I own the Brama Inegrated 1st generation . very very nice . But if I win the lotery , the Brama integrated 2nd generation will come to my home


Just a comment, but I'd think of room acoustics / speaker positioning long before changing amplifiers when looking to fix a mid-bass issue. 

May  it gives you some ideas about Rockport Atria .         And the Brama 2nd generation is a step above the 1st generation


more important question what are you using for a source?


i know several things that will add  warmth

an audio magic power conditioner, good power cords, vibration management, 

improving dac/streamer 

furutech ncf products


Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ