looking to replace Fyne speaker jumper cable

Hello All,

looking to a upgrade jumper cable to replace the standard one comes with my Fyne F704 speaker, any advise will be really appreciated. 


more specifically looking for a silver jumper cable to jump from low to high, so my existing speaker cable will plug into low, and jump to high via jumper cable

Thank you following up SOIX, I'm currently using Purist Audio Design Corvus speaker, and may going to live cable SPC in the near future. still struggling in-between bi-wire, and jumper cable. Since I have never use jumper, I really want to give it a try. of course don't wanna break my bank so I plan not spent thousand on jumper cable, maybe few hundreds for now........  

Nordost cable has one, ZenSati available I think on TMRaudio.com. Kimber are good too.