Restored Dual vs. Restored Technics

My current turntable is a serviced Technics SL-1400 mk2 semi auto with a VM95ML cart. It sounds very nice. However, I have a real itch for a restored Dual 1229 from bill at …not only for the convenience of an automatic, but to experience an idler drive table built to last decades. Bill recommends an ortofon OM series cart and I already have an OM20 stylus I can use.

However.. the Technics has better specs for W/F and rumble. The money I don’t spend on the dual could upgrade my cart, or phono preamp.

I’m torn. Keep my current table? Go for a classic dual restored by a true master? Try to find an SL-1600 mk2 to combine the best of both?


what do you get with the auto that you don't get with the semi-auto? I think the biggest weakness of the Dual is how it starts playing, the zigzaggy weirdness which is prone to break. I can't stand it. I personally prefer 100% manual tables. 

As for the looks, the Dual is infinitely better looking than the Technics, for my taste.

I owned a Dual 1229 years ago and don't understand the hype. They're Rube Goldberg machines and extremely prone to breakage even when properly restored. My steuerpimpel broke days after getting it freshly restored from a seller. Everything else, like speed stability, also seemed a bit fuzzy. I'm guessing my restoration was not the greatest, but I'd still take most tables over a Dual. In a few years if some of the restoration starts to deteriorate, you'll have to pay to have it fixed again. Technics would be better by far. If anything, save up for a better Technics.

Thank for your thoughts. You can read all the reviews you want but at the end of the day, nothing is as helpful as comments from actual owners.