Help: power problem with Vandersteen 2Wq subs

I have a strange situation that I can't figure out, and thought maybe I'd get some help from other A-gon members. I have a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers (great subs) which work fine. Earlier this week, I re-arranged my system a bit, and needed to plug the subs into a different power outlet than before. For some reason, they wouldn't operate when plugged into the new outlets. When first plugged in, both subs had the usual turn-on "thump", but then nothing happened, as if the sub's internal amp turned off. This happened with both subs.

After I re-arranged the subs' location, I plugged them into the Monster Power HTS2000 line conditioners that I use for all the rest of my audio/HT system. The sockets that I used on the HTS2000 work fine -- any other piece of equipment draws power with no problem. I then tried plugging the subs into an adjoining wall outlet (which may not be grounded -- not sure), but the subs still didn't work. I got the turn-on thump, and then nothing... So, I went through a series of diagnostic measures, and eliminated every cause I could think of -- I even checked the connections at the power amp just to be sure no wiring had gotten jiggled loose. I also checked the prongs on the plugs of the power cords to be sure that they were straight and making good contact inside the outlet sockets.

At this point, I moved both subs back to their original setup and plugged them back into their original wall outlet. This solved the problem, and they worked fine, just like before I re-arranged them. I'm thoroughly baffled. I looked through the troubleshooting section of the user's manual, and there is nothing that explains this anomaly.

I am going to call Vandersteen to get their input, but I was wondering if anyone who owns Vandy 2Wq subs has experienced a similar problem. The only thing I can think of that might cause this problem is some aspect of the circuit design for the internal amp that perhaps has to see a certain grounding arrangement to operate.

Any thoughts and comments are appreciated. I'd like to be able to re-configure my speaker setup, but can't do that given this odd problem.

Thanks -- Scott C
Get a cheap 3 LED outlet analyser in the electrical section. For @$8.00 USD it will tell you the status (reversed polarity, no ground, etc.) of every outlet you have.
Thanks to everyone for your input. I will pursue Zorpman's idea and get an outlet analyzer to find out what is going on with polarity and ground, and then consult an electrician.
Scott- after you check the outlets with the analyzer, it may be as simple as reversing the connections from the wall wiring to some of the receptacles. Also with 50 year old wiring, unlikely that you have grounded outlets unless they were modified later.