Turntable setup NYC area

Hi Audiogon community, hoping you can help me out with the following situation:

I recently purchased a pretty expensive five-figure turntable and cartridge from an authorized dealer. The dealer set up the table at my home as I am not experienced in that area. It seems however that the dealer, who was setting up this particular model of turntable for the first time, did not do a particular great job either. I would therefore like the turntable to be re-setup by an expert who knows what they're doing.

I could of course watch some YouTube videos and figure it out myself but unfortunately I don't have the time to go down that path so need the expert assistance.

I live in NYC so before folks suggest Michael Trei I have already reached out to him via a number of channels but he has not responded. If Audiogon members know of any other setup experts in the NYC area please recommend them to me.



I put the link up in the past, to offer Gon Members a venue they could call in on and meet likeminded individuals, a contact or visit with the place in the link might have the support made known that you seek.



Thanks everyone for getting back. Appreciate the feedback from the community. As it happens Michael did eventually respond and I have scheduled a home visit in a couple of weeks. Good to know for future reference that there are a number of highly recommended options in the NYC area. 

I’m lost, how is setting up a "5 figure" turntable any different than say a "1 figure"? Let’s see, level it, proper down force, anti-skate, proper alignment of cartridge, proper isolation.