SACD vs RBCD players

Which should I buy, a top SACD player ( like the top end Sony ) or a truly outstanding RBCD player like the Cyrus 6 SE? The review from "What Hi Fi?" on the Cyrus player is so good, I wonder if RBCDs sound as good as SACDs?
Go for the SACD player... there's still plenty of software available, especially classical. I've yet to hear an SACD that didn't sound vastly superior to RBCD's. While I'm sure the Cyrus is a great player, I'd opt for a good SACD player so that I have that available. Plus, SACD players will all play RBCD, most of them very well, so you get more bang for the buck...!
"vastly superior" are some pretty strong words. Admittedly, I have yet to hear SACD, though I own a few dozen hybrid discs. Why are there not more SACD-player manufacturers in the high end?
Why are there not more SACD-player manufacturers in the high end?

Because it's a niche format. Nobody's buying SACD's but a small dedicated group of audiophiles. If you only have a dozen discs, I would not make SACD the priority over redbook. I would suggest researching to see if there is enough SACD titles out there that you are intersted in to warrant an investment in an SACD player. Honestly, there's tons more new vinyl being produced (across all genres) than SACD.
I would say if you don't have any SACD's now, invest in the better redbook player. I have some SACD's and feel obligated that any player I buy has to SACD compatiable. Avoid the hassles of looking for SACD titles that you want.
Interesting arguments, however, if SACD is "vastly superior" to RBCD ( and I do listen primarily to classical music ), I really wouldn't mind the "hassels" of investing in the purchase of SACDs. Do you other comentors also feel that SACD is at least significantly superior to RBCD?