RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

These phones are a circumoral design like my current RAAL CA-1a phones (not like the RAAL SR1a/SR1b). I may sell the CA-1a when I upgrade to 1 of the 2 new RAALs.

I re-purchased the RAAL VM-1a 2 weeks ago in anticipation of these new phones. Though my Schitt Mjolnir and Schitt Aegir stack are about 70% as good as the VM-1a. I used to say 90% as good with my old VM-1a. With the second VM-1a (same as the first) I am using a different tube (1 of 6) and that sounds even better than the OEM tube.

Tube change: New Old Stock (1960) General Electric 6SN7

RAAL 1995 will, at first, focus to headphones and later to loudspeakers, with aim to push the limits of True-Ribbon technology in different applications.


I sold my SR1a and will likely sell the CA-1a. I use them with the RAAL VM-1a tube amp and Star8 cable. So, I have an excellent setup.

I took my gear down to Ventura, CA to the RAAL office and heard both the Magna and Immanis. From my limited experience with headphones, it was easily the very best phones I have ever heard. The Immanis was my preference, but both are great.

On Head-fi.com there are some very interesting comparisons with the TOTL phones. So far in the limited feedback, the Immanis seems to be coming out as the favorite.

I am actively looking for a second job, and one reason is to buy the Immanis. I say this as someone who loves the SR1a and CA-1a. Good thing since it will take me some time to get the funds.

Reviews are starting to come in.

RAAL 1995 Magna & Immanis review | Darko.Audio

If you question why nobody else offers over-ear ribbons if they are this spectacular, you’re not alone. I wondered, too. Here’s what I know. Aleksandar will celebrate his 30th business anniversary next year. He’s done ribbons from the very beginning. Yet Magna & Immanis still took him 29 years to launch whilst his OEM ribbon tweeters found stellar accolades in premium loudspeakers around the world. That’s the learning curve. 


Test RAAL 1995 IMMANIS - Musicalhead

The best headphones in the world?

The new RAAL 1995 IMMANIS is without a doubt the best headphones I have been able to listen to to this day and raises the playback via ear speakers to a completely new level from my point of view. As a result, after a remarkable 7 years of permanent reign, the HIFIMAN SUSVARA vacates the throne in my TOP10 on Musicalhead, handing over the audiophile scepter to the new Serbian World Champion.