Benchmark DAC1 Pre - anybody heard a mod?

I have a Benchmark DAC1 Pre that I am fairly happy with. I have seen and read several posts from people offering modifications to the DAC1 that apparently increase warmth, resolution and imaging. Does anybody own a modified DAC1 or DAC1 pre that has been modified? What were the modifications, costs and sonic improvements? Your advice will help me decide if this is the right decision for me.

Beaster - Empirical Audio used to make modds to DAC1. One of them was to replace NE5532 amps with OPA627. Benchmark engineers stated that OPA627 is inferior to NE5532 (more THD) but Steve from Empirical Audio said that microlevel details are improved. In addition he was converting whole DAC to NOS, therefore loosing advantage of jitter rejecting property of usampler. If you already have good transport you might enjoy the sound of NOS.
I have a benchmark Dac 1 that I had modified by Stephen Balliet at Reflection Audio. I am very happy with this dac and use it in a Mac based system with an RME digital interface and an isochrone master clock.
This setup replaced Meitner seperates.

The effects of the upgrade were exactly as you describe hearing.

I chose reflection audio and Stephen because of his singular focus on modding this dac and his musical priorities which matched mine.
He is also a very fine man to work with....highly recommended. The cost was about the same as the Dac 1 but I found the improvements wholly worth it in the context of my overall system.
Thank you for the replies.

I am based overseas (Singapore) and have someone here who can offer a mod. Unfortunately it does cost almost 40% of the price of a new DAC1 Pre. I was wondering if I should go ahead with the mod or use the money to purchase a tube pre-amp to get the warmer / fuller sound.

Rigth now my unmodified Benchmark pre goes directly into my ATI 2002 power amp which goes to the Usher BE-718.