Benchmark DAC1 Pre - anybody heard a mod?

I have a Benchmark DAC1 Pre that I am fairly happy with. I have seen and read several posts from people offering modifications to the DAC1 that apparently increase warmth, resolution and imaging. Does anybody own a modified DAC1 or DAC1 pre that has been modified? What were the modifications, costs and sonic improvements? Your advice will help me decide if this is the right decision for me.

I've considered modding my DAC1 USB to see what that could really bring, but really just don't have the desire to do so. I use a BAT VK300xSE which has a tube pre-stage, with SS amplification. Speakers are Totem Hawk. I really like the way this setup sounds.

If you do mod, please report back on your impressions!
This discussion is interesting. I've read more than a few posts that suggest a tube preamp brings some warmth to a system using the Dac1. Perhaps this is a naive question, but would a integrated tube amplifier + Dac1 have a similar warmth as a system having a separate tube preamp? I have a Dac1 USB - not the Dac1 Pre. Thank you.
Yes it would, but only to the degree that a stand alone Tubed Preamp, may be better than an Integrated Hybrid Tubed Amplifier. In other words it will warm up the sound to the the best of it's ability, based on the weakest component in the chain, which in this case may or may not be the Integrated Component as compared to top quality separates.

One month down and I am still contemplating options...

1. Mod the Benchmark DAC1 Pre
2. Get a tube pre
3. Sell the Benchmark and start from scratch! (a upgrade bug! but I really do not want to do this)

I am tempted by option 2. There are a couple of used tube preamps that have come up in the market here:

Audio Space Line 2 or CAT SL 1 and others...

I am currently using the XLR outputs of the Benchmark to my ATI 2002 power amp. Most tube pre amps have RCA inputs and outputs. Are the RCA and XLR outputs on the Benchmark equal? I do not have RCA cables so unable to try this out for now.
Hey Beatster,

Say hello to Singapore!

Let's look at your entire system:
ATI Amp; sort of a home theater heritage and on the clinical side
Benchmark; also on the clinical side, it already excels in resolution and imaging, I can't see it turning into a warm piece of equipment.
Usher; very nice...., no complaints here.

I would approach your upgrade path with a look forward towards the future, as opposed to a one and done sort of upgrade.

The way I look at your system, you're plugging an analytical DAC/PRE into an analytical Amp, no wonder you're not happy with the sound.

I think you should buy a tubed preamp that can remain in your system for years to come, and then in the future I would consider a warmer SS amp, I would probably recommend one of the new excellent Class D Amps. I could certainly vouch for the Bel Canto Ref1000. If you do this, than I think the Benchmark will shine, remember I also own the Benchmark in my office system.

If you buy a tubed preamp, and a Class D Amp, with your Benchmark DAC and Usher Speakers, I think you will get the warm analog sound that you're looking for, without sacrificing detail and resolution. If you still don't like the sound than I would sell the Benchmark, not modify it, and I would buy a Bel Canto DAC3, once again I have extensive experience with this DAC and it has everything that is lacking from the Benchmark.
