Recently I had to get rid of two of my CDPs (Jolida JD-100 and NAD C542) for finacial reasons. In doing so, I've had to go back to using my old Onkyo DX-C540 changer. Now it's not a bad sounding player for what it is, which is a Mid-FI changer circa late 90s. But both the NAD and Jolida certainly bested it in all areas of performance, and yes, I'm missing that level of performance. In any case am thinking down the road of either getting another CDP (possibly another NAD or used Jolida) or maybe going the NOS DAC route. I'm thinking of going the NOS DAC route as the Onkyo DOES have a optical output, and I think that it might make a decent transport, and give me changer capabilities. In addition, from what I've been reading the NOS DAC would probably give me the warm, musical presentation that I enjoyed with both the NAD and Jolida players. Also it appears that many of the NOS DACs fall within the "price point" that I would like to keep (less than $500). BTW, I consider myself more a "music lover" than an "audiophile", and going the DAC route would certainly be something new for me. Anyway, appreciate thoughs and suggestions from the community on which road they might go down and why they so. Thanks.
Cleaneduphippy - NOS DAC is sensitive to jitter and will sound better with good transport. I would avoid using optical unless you need to break ground loops.

I use upsampling-jitter rejecting DAC (Benchmark DAC1)with the cheapest transport I could find ($70 DVD player) and I like the sound a lot (plus DVD players have great tracking).
" I would avoid using optical unless you need to break ground loops."

Unfortunately, the digital output on my changer is an opitical one. Amd yes I understand that NOS DACs are senitive to jitter, but how would one determine in advance whether ones transport is "jittery"? Fact of the matter is, if I go the NOS VAC route, then I understand I'll be buying in addition to the DAC, an upgraded power cable and the optical (Toslink) connection, now if I have to add another transport, than chances are I'll go the CDP route. Basically I'm trying to work with what I got.

Btw, curious on the sound of the Benchmark DAC. I generally go for a warmer, more analog type of sound than an analytical one, of course I do have tubes in my system, so perhaps my worries are unfounded.
Cleaneduphippy - Jitter is a noise in time domain. You can either get good dedicated transport (expensive) and good digital cable or jitter supressing DAC. How to determine if transport is jittery? Just check specifications or opinion on audio forums. Optical cable is probably the worst choice since signal edges are slow and jitter is most likely worst than coax.

I'm not sure what you call "analytical". Benchmark is very clean and transparent (not designed for warmish sound). It had also great reviews. Avoid used ones.

Exactly what spec do I check? Looking at my owner's manual I find this information.

"Proprietary AccuPulse Quartz System with Polysorb virtually elimates the possibility of timing errors in the in the clock oscillator"

"Wow and Flutter: Beyond the threshold of measurability"

That sounds to me that I shouldn't have a issue with "jitter" but hey, what do I know? Just trying to educate myself. Also I understand about the issues with optical cables, but if you had read my previous post then you would have clearly seen that my digital output IS an optical one. Pretty much eliminates other digital options, at least as far as using that player.

Btw, I have read some reviews on the Benchmark DAC and it does sound like a good DAC that many people would like, but I also get the feeling that it won't be delivering the sound presentation that I would be looking for, unless I willing to have the unit modded. Now is that road I would want to go down? Probably not.

Basically what you're telling me, is that for a $500 or less price point to forget about going the DAC route, especially using a NOS DAC. And it's a point well taken. Perhaps I would be better off for the money getting a used Jolida (which I had before and liked especially with a NOS 12AX7, and perhaps an upgraded "power cord") or some other simliarly price CDP unit (new/used). And as I'm the type of person who "searches for simplicity", and it appears going the DAC route might be more of a PITA than it worth, and perhaps it's something I should keep in mind.

Thanks for your comments.
Cleaneduphippy - I suspect that you like warm sound that I don't care for. Listen to few DACs of different types and decide yourself. My experience is limited and it is personal thing (matter of taste).

I never had high quality transport but good one shows amount of jitter in picoseconds. Statements like "virtually eliminates" should raise warning flag.

Also price should suggest quality - good, low jitter transports are often over $5k.