Luxman 509x or Simaudio 600iV2 with mágico A3.

Hi, I would like to hear from owners and members who owned A3 what is their experience on the right amplifier search.




I got to speak with Alon Wolf at length in person, and during the course of the conversation and unsolicited he said he really likes Hegel amps with his speakers so you might add them to your list. 

Thank you I had 590 before and wasn't my cup of tea.

The Hegel did not have the refinement Luxman and moon had.


I heard the A3 with the Mark Levinson 585 integrated. It was a really good pairing. I have heard the 509x and found it a little underpowered even with Harbeth. I have not heard it with the A3 which are likely harder to drive. I also felt the 509x was a cleaner sound than the Hegel integrateds and separates. The A3 seemed to like power based on how my single stereo Benchmark AHB2 sounded terrible with them.

I have owned 2 integrated amps that would be great with the A3. The CODA CSiB and the KRELL DUO XD 300i. I think a little warmth matches well with the A3.

I have heard the prior top end SimAudio gear, and I am not sure if it is a good sonic match with the A3.