Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


Jealous of you guys as I can’t swing the Mu2 right now. I upgraded my front end with a T+A Dac 200 for now. Long term goal is a Mu2 with a pair of quality mono blocks. 
I heard the MU2 at Axpona with a LTA integrated and can’t remember the speakers. Very underwhelming but I don’t think the amp and speakers were a good match. Too many respected audiophiles rave about the Mu2 and are replacing 30k in seperates. 
@audio_nirvana  are you using a pre amp? What’s the rest of your system?

@yowser I received the unit on Saturday.  Unfortunately, I have a terrible ground loop that has precluded any listening. 

Actually, I was concerned that the unit was damaged in transit, but I have just concluded that it is a ground loop and not damage.  I have never had any issues with ground loops or hum with the system, thus my concern that it might be damage.  I have a Trafomatic Rhapsody 300B parallel single ended amp and when the MU2 is plugged in as soon as the ICs are connected I get the hum.  Short term I am using a cheater plug on my amp, but I need a more permanent solution.  I have ordered a turntable ground wire which I will attach to the ground lug on the back of the amplifier and connect it to the chassis of the MU2 to see if that takes care of the issue.  I have the MU2, the amp, and the power supply unit for my field coil speakers on separate outlets but on the same circuit. Would prefer not to use a power strip.

Any wisdom on ground loops would be welcomed.

From what I have heard behind the horrible 60Hz hum, sounded pretty amazing.  Voices are very lifelike and the soundstaging is very precise.  I am looking forward to beginning to listen.  I am running the system 24/7 on a playlist in Roon with the amp off.  Sounds pretty good right now, but i am expecting it go get weird for the first 7 days and then start to improve through 200-300 hours.

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