Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?

Let's see how crazy we are.


Currently, my/our audio 'collection' is in the largest space in our collective past of 40+ yrs.  But it has its' own faults, drawbacks, etc.

A 'dedicated space'?  SURE....That, and a Lotto 'big win' would do just Fine, thanx...

...and I'd have to 'disappear' for long enough that a 'handle name change' would become imperative, not to mention a lawyer, accountant used to 'tall dollar$', and facial surgery enough that even spouse wouldn't recognize...nor I, her....

@nonoise re 6/5 at 1:24 am....'so OK, sold the soul for what you shouldn't ask about anyway.... ;)

...do tell....*grits for impact*  DoItToIt

Just for a better listening room ? NO. There are many other factors to consider first if I sold my home to move to another home. 

The size/price ratio in Europe is different to the US so moving to a bigger house (in a suburban location) is not a realistic option. When I bought my current house, the overarching criterion was that it be detached - an awful lot of suburban houses are either terraced or semi-detatched. So I can play and record without any fear of complaints. Lastly, I would rather have a smaller dedicated listening room than a larger space that has to be shared.

Inna, took care of that business thirty-four yeas ago. Well worth it and have enough surrounding acreage to not bother neighbors with the sound of music. What a joy every day.



That's good perspective. I think that many Americans like me don't realize that most Europeans have smaller homes. I do know that, and I feel fortunate to have a 13 x 11x 9 dedicated room, knowing that that is the size of living rooms in some European homes; and don't even talk about Japan.