My system consists of the following:

1. Martin Logan Impressions 11A

2. Rogue RP-1 preamplifier

3. Lumin U@ mini streamer with Chord Qutest DAC.

4. Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier

I just purchased the Bryston amplifier and it has brought my speakers to life. From dull and listless to vibrant and alive.

I would like to upgrade my preamp and my three choices are as follows:

1. Rogue Audio RP-9-tubes

2. Bryston BR-19 which is fully balanced.

3. Conrad Johnson ET6 or ET6SE

My cables are Cardas Clear Cygnus

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



If you want a wide open sound, Ayre uses ZERO feedback, fully balanced and can be found for very reasonable prices used. I started with a KX-5 Twenty used and liked it so much I upgraded to a KX-R Twenty used. Their products are so well designed that they are top notch for 20-30 years while others "catch up." Happy listening!

You’ve got great speakers. But without question you need a tube preamplifier!

I am a beleaver in a tube preamp and ss amps. None of your choices would be on my list because I like everything to match (I am weird like that). Good luck with your decision!

Most posts here recomend the device they own and listen at home. That's a good thing because they love what they heare. Ultimately, that is also your goal.
My recomendation for you: Ask your Conrad Johnson dealer for a demo or better if he could lend you a ET6SE for a month or so. I bet you will refuse to return the device. All combination tube preamp combined with a solid state amp I've heard did sounded exeptionell. Allways better than cominations like tube/tube or solid state/solid sate.

Don't leave out the Wyred4Sound STP-SE. It has the unique properties of both passive and non-passive architecture. Very neutral without sounding dead.