Do you past equipment appear in your dreams?

I see recurring dreams about an Audio Innovations tube amp I used to have. In the dream I suddenly remember I need to get new tubes, after then everything becomes difficult.


That amp was great, a bargain. It broke, of course, and somehow my dad got rid of it, took it to a crap metal shop maybe.


I’ve had my system 45 years now, just these last few years that I’ve spent getting my JVC QL Y-66F TT in spec & JBL 240Ti speakers restored. Finally having everything all put back together again sounding like I remember has been a dream, but now I am DREAMING ahead and will be adding both of these jewels to the system.

Both a Rogue Cronos Magnum III all tube integrated amp and a separate
Rogue Ares Magnum II tube phono preamplifier which includes an isolated independent power supply, like Chef Emeril says "to take it up a notch".
P.S. I lust for all the guitars and amplifiers that I've loved and lost in the past.


@aewarren    Good one!

I remember my dreams quite well, and I don't recall ever dreaming about audio equipment, which I find to be interesting given the importance it has had in my life. Given the current theories about the functions of dreams (I am a psychologist), I would expect that audio gear could be grist for the mill, especially for those of us who have given it attention for many years.

…….what is the purpose of this thread ? This one is just ridiculous……