Do you past equipment appear in your dreams?

I see recurring dreams about an Audio Innovations tube amp I used to have. In the dream I suddenly remember I need to get new tubes, after then everything becomes difficult.


That amp was great, a bargain. It broke, of course, and somehow my dad got rid of it, took it to a crap metal shop maybe.


……yes I did as a matter of fact to point out the absurdity of the question which obviously you don’t see and that’s why I am responding to you . 

Why is it ridiculous ? Certainly more interesting than talking about yet another amp.


I did have another dream last night about my old job, but as of now that's all I still remember.

But to the OP, now I do vaguely remember having a dream or dreams about what a Cowboy Junkies track (Southern Rain off of Black Eyed Man)  would sound like after I had a mod done to the outboard DAC I was using at the time.  I don't know why I still remember that, except that I was probably expecting great things that never materialized