In my experience, every time my system is down for any extended period of time (e.g., a move to a new home), it takes quite a while for it to start sounding good again (30-200 hours of music playing time, depending on the down time and storage conditions). On our last move where the equipment was in storage for 8 months, everything sounded pretty horrible when we first set it back up, and it was a good 200 hours of music playing time (probably more) before the system was sounding as good as it sounding before the move.
Note that I'm talking about the entire system and not narrowing it down to a specific component. Break in time for speakers to come back to life after extended storage is probably the biggest piece of this break in effort, not the CD player.
If my system is off for just days or a couple of weeks, I typically don't notice anything different than the normal "warm-up" before any listening session of 30-60 minutes. I always hear that warm-up period of improvement after the system has been off for 12-18 hours between listening sessions.
I also find that any time I move the equipment around, or connect or reconnect cables, there is always some "settling" time before the system is again sounding as good as it can sound (often just 30-60 minutes of playing time).
Ultimately the answer to this question comes down to "What do you hear?"