How Could I Get A Mivera Audio Purestream and Superstream Serviced If Needed?

So I am considering dabbling in the used market for a Mivera Purestream and Superstream. I understand Mike (I don't know his last name) has closed down the Mivera website, and is perhaps doing OEM design these days.

While these units look nicely built, I have been trying to answer the question of how could I get one serviced if that was ever required. I don't have a way to contact the designer yet, and that is stopping me from making a purchase.

But if anyone has an idea of techs that I could call in an hour of need. Then I think I could feel better about making a purchase of one.

Also trying to get in touch with Mike - old email and phone are not working.  Please drop me a line if you're in the same state or have info.  Thanks!

Hi folks. @mivmike a friend of mine has been enjoying his Mivera DAC and Superstream. However, in transit recently the microSD card snapped in 2 🙁 what was the OS config for the Superstream? 

Thank you for the help! We really appreciate it

I doubt Mike is interested in supporting Mivera owners at this point.

Would love to be proven wrong, but his internet history is a mess: banned or disappeared from quite a few forums after various arguments etc. Seems like a talented designer but the gear itself is probably a dead end.

I think I'd be comfortable buying a second hand amp, as those probably run forever. But maybe not the streamer as that has more complexity and potential need for support.