I guess it’s ironic when you tell somebody if they don’t stop hitting their wife, you will hit them. The abuser becomes the victim, and we have a circular reference I suppose. But somehow that doesn’t sit well with me. So if I was to ask them to stop hitting their wife and they don’t, we have a conundrum.
I’m never asked for your mercy, I asked for respect for innocent hobbyists that are here to have fun and belong. I’m a filthy hearted sinner, far from innocent, and likely don’t deserve your mercy. So stop picking at and browbeating people and I’ll shut my ironic, hypocritical mouth.
I don’t think we need a button, I think if you feel you would get slapped in the mouth for saying something in person, it’s better left unsaid. I’m assuming you all are exposed to some men that are able and willing to redefine the scope of your freedom of speech. Think tow truck driver, not waitress, maybe that will help.
I’m surprised my post was difficult to grasp, generally I am a clear communicator.