Free Tip for Jumpers

If you have already replaced the stock jumpers on your bi wire speakers I found this to be a nice boost in sound quality. It was a Nordost section of Music Direct, FYI.


Diagonal Bi-Wire

For those looking for maximum performance from their bi-wire speakers, Nordost has a recommendation. Connect your speaker wire to the speaker as follows: Red lead to the Red midrange/bass post, Black lead to the Black tweeter post. Then insert the Norse Jumpers as you normally would, sit back and hold on to your socks. The effect is astounding, with greater focus, detail and less haze and grain. We don't really understand how it works, but it does so try it for yourself!


BTW, it works with aii speaker jumper cables including whatever comes with your speakers, without an upgrade, but the upgraded speaker jumpers might sound better.

The effect is astounding, with greater focus, detail and less haze and grain.

Yup, I’ve been doing this for years in my bi-wire configuration due to the urging of Chris Sommovigo from Black Cat, Stereovox, Stereolab, etc. and have experienced these same results along with notably tighter bass — I was shocked. While I might not go as far as calling the improvement “astounding,” it’s plenty significant enough that I’d never listen without the jumpers. I’m of the opinion that cost-effective jumpers from the likes of DH Labs, etc. are perfectly fine for this application, so I view this as a very worthwhile and cost-effective tweak.

Go to partsconnecxion. Buy Neotech awg 14 solid core Occ Teflon wire buy 3 strip the ends  and bend the ends and connect  the highest purity for under$30  highest purity wire and great sound , you don’t need connectors bend the endsforspadeor banana .sounds excellent .

Right, Lak. Mine are a modest after market buy from World's Best Cables.  But this placement is so good I wanted to share with others.