Free Tip for Jumpers

If you have already replaced the stock jumpers on your bi wire speakers I found this to be a nice boost in sound quality. It was a Nordost section of Music Direct, FYI.


Diagonal Bi-Wire

For those looking for maximum performance from their bi-wire speakers, Nordost has a recommendation. Connect your speaker wire to the speaker as follows: Red lead to the Red midrange/bass post, Black lead to the Black tweeter post. Then insert the Norse Jumpers as you normally would, sit back and hold on to your socks. The effect is astounding, with greater focus, detail and less haze and grain. We don't really understand how it works, but it does so try it for yourself!


This thread sent me on a trip to the way-back machine where I remembered this very subject being discussed over on AA.

This 22-year old thread recommends the positive wire to the MF/HF terminal and the negative to the LF terminal, and also provides some (humorous) explanations as to why cross-connecting sounds better.

In this other 22-year old thread, it is explained that Eichmann also recommended connecting the positive lead to the MF/HF terminal. That thread is part of this larger thread, which shows how the more things change, the more they stay the same.

If you look at the whole thread, the back and forth covers the listeners vs. engineers and marketing vs. reality arguments that still occur here every day. You might also notice the occasional appearance of industry professionals, like John Curl who enters the thread and discusses the use of transformers in amplifiers. Fun times.

You guys do realize that despite all your manipulations all these connections are going to exactly the same point electrically.  The claims for "astounding" improvements are just simply hogwash, and represent the wants of the user, not the realities.