I stated I didn't want to let it go because I was happy with the G08 but while the other CDP's I tried were better in some respects there was something about them always telling me to stay with the Meridian. I initially felt that way about the Ayre but after leaving it going for 24hours and listening all day I started hearing what I loved about the G08 but better. The Ayre ended up having more extended highs, the mids are fuller with a more natural tone and bass is tighter. The pace and timing has improved.
I am giving the C5 back today and will listen to the G08 again to make sure I was hearing what I come to believe I am with the Ayre.
Thanks for the responses and there is still time if someone has any other opinions on the subject.
I am giving the C5 back today and will listen to the G08 again to make sure I was hearing what I come to believe I am with the Ayre.
Thanks for the responses and there is still time if someone has any other opinions on the subject.