@uncledemp I find your original post both eloquent and inspiring. Reviewing it, I would characterize it as a plea for civility when posting on the forum, especially in response to other member’s queries or comments. Your key point regarding the incivility you find present on the site was well stated when you wrote, ”It [incivility] exists in real life only where it is tolerated.“ To summarize, you are asking us to be intolerant of intolerance, so-to-speak. Hence the comments about irony and your insensitive comment about beating a wife beater, thus proving your point about continuing to transgress even while attempting perfection.
While I’m fairly new to the forum (2-3 years), I find there is more reason to hope than to condemn. No one ever likes to hear a harsh word, but most of us can stand correction, if it is presented properly.
For instance, one old timer politely corrected my citation of my McIntosh preamp by making a comment something along the lines that I should familiarize myself with McIntosh model names better because the unit I kept citing would have been an integrated amplifier. I took no offense, but I wondered what the heck he was talking about because I “knew” that every piece of McIntosh equipment began with’M’ for McIntosh, which followed by a type identifier to say whether it was an amp, preamp, etc. So my preamp was an ‘MC100’. When I went downstairs to verify this ‘fact’ I found the lettering on the preamp’s black glass proudly spelling out ‘Model C100’. A quick check of internet listings revealed my ignorance. Boy, did I feel like a dummy. The man could have called me an idiot, and I’m sure that those who knew their McIntosh model numbers knew he kinda was, but he didn’t, he was civil, and I learned something I’ll not soon forget. Plus, the man earned my everlasting respect and gratitude. Those who are looking to always cut others down to size should consider how they appear in other’s eyes when they do. [Hint: They they don’t look bigger.]
In like manner, I will never castigate a poster for mis-citing the model number of his (or her) own equipment. One good turn deserves another. Kindness multiplies like yeast in dough.
Your plea reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the servant forgiven a great debt who turns around and grabs a fellow who owes him a small sum and throws him in jail.
@pennfootball71 Thank you for asking the question that has been on my mind since I first started reading this posting.