Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (



I have noticed having a short ethernet cable coming out of the SmoothLan is better than having a long one. Regardless of the type of cable.

Ex: I tried the WW Platinum 8 1 meter and I found that a shorter ethernet cable of modest but good quality (cat 8) seems to sound more dynamic.

Very interesting....


Hi @ozzy 

Very interesting reading, hearing your experience/endorsement of the SmoothLAN.  I'd love to try one, but I'm not sure how I can implement it in my setup.  My Cisco ethernet switch has a dedicated fibre output, which goes straight into my Lumin U2 fibre input, and I'm loathe to break that connection strategy.

Also, as others have mentioned, I'm leery of putting the SmoothLAN before my Cisco switch, given the 100Mbps data rate.  My switch also feeds my computer ethernet network (1Gbps copper), and I need high speed internet access for work.

Has anyone tried the SmoothLAN on a similarly configured system yet?

Best, JAMES.


Thank you for your post.

Before the Cisco switch would be the best place. Perhaps contact Stack Audio to share your concerns. Personally, I think it will work great.


Thanks @ozzy 

I reached out to Stack.  We'll see what they recommend.  I'm going to continue following this thread, for any further user experiences.  Many thanks.

Best, JAMES.

Hi all:

Here's the response from Josh at Stack:

Thank you for your questions regarding our SmoothLAN network filter!

Using the SmoothLAN in front of your Cisco switch could potentially create a data bottleneck for your other computer devices connected to the switch.

The SmoothLAN is designed to handle data speeds up to 100Mbps. This is significantly lower than the 1Gbps speed of your copper Ethernet connections and your 500Mbps internet connection. If you place the SmoothLAN in front of the Cisco switch, all data traffic—including that for your other computer devices—would be limited to the maximum speed the SmoothLAN can handle, which is 100Mbps.

2. Impact on Remote Work: Given that you require high-speed internet access for remote work, using the SmoothLAN in front of the switch would reduce your internet speed from 500Mbps to 100Mbps. This reduction would affect your ability to work efficiently, particularly for tasks that require high bandwidth.


3. Optimal Use: The SmoothLAN is specifically designed to improve the audio quality by reducing noise and interference for music streamers. It is most effective when used directly in the audio path, such as between the network input and your Hi-Fi system. Placing it in front of your switch would not optimize its intended purpose and would also degrade network performance for other devices.


To avoid a data bottleneck while still benefiting from the SmoothLAN for your Lumin U2 streamer, consider the following setup:

1. Dedicated Path for Audio: Connect the Cisco switch directly to your network and then use the optical fiber output port to feed your Lumin U2 streamer. This ensures that your audio streaming benefits from the fiber connection without being limited by the SmoothLAN’s 100Mbps speed.

2. Use SmoothLAN in Audio Path: Place the SmoothLAN in the Ethernet path leading to your Lumin U2 streamer if you have any copper Ethernet connections in your audio setup. This will help eliminate noise and interference without affecting the rest of your network.

By following this setup, you can maintain high-speed internet access for your other devices and still enjoy the benefits of the SmoothLAN for your Hi-Fi system.

Many Thanks,

Josh Stephenson