Best upgrade path from Borresen X3s

I have Forte3 integrated amplified and Borrsesn X3 speakers. I'm quite satisfied and I'm wondering what some "old heads" here would recommend as my upgrade path in 6 months to a year. I want to start saving now for that. Also I have about $20k worth of AGD's resonance and noise reducing accessories.


Thanks for you help. I'm a newbie to audiophile audio.


I’m looking to improve my sound with my next upgrade.

That’s too vague to make any meaningful recommendations.  What specific areas would you like to improve?  If that’s at all hard to answer then the best thing to do is go listen to other speakers to see what you might like better.  If you don’t have some good dealers that are close enough then go to a major audio show or two so you can hear many other speakers and then go from there.

Another option if you like what you have but are just looking for “more” then adding a couple good subs can make a world of difference and be a huge upgrade.  The X3 only goes down to 35Hz so there’s likely a lot more to be had by simply adding subs.  Just another thought FWIW.

D2 Powerswitch and a D2 Ethernet cable between the router and the switch. Quite the difference.

I heard Michael Borresen say in a recent interview that Borresen Acoustics will produce a sub. Waiting for that might be a good plan. I have the power cables you mentioned and they were quite an upgrade.

   Before the Borresen fanboys chew me up and spit me out let me say I love MB deigns.Ive owned 3 of his speakers.Ive stated more than once about the pitfalls of buying Borresen designed speakers new and the quick depreciation of his different speakers due to very quick turn around times on new Z line is being or has been replaced by the C line hence we have seen dealers giving big discounts on that Z line recently..The new L line just came out under Axxess and im told its close to the X series in terms of what you hear? seeing a few discounts on the X series as I was offered a sealed pair of X3 for 3 grand under MSRP sure there are other speakers in the pipeline or ready to be as I write this...I would say if your dealer will give you the full paid amount on the X3 as trade-in to move up the  line( as you stated above)  go for it,You will never ever get anything close to that selling privately...but always when it comes to Borresen design products IMO always buy used to lessen the blow of quick depreciation.