has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
who's crying Rafael??. the only times i saw the word "fair" were in rodger's and your post??. i certainly didn't use it or even imply it. sounds like you got a little chip on your shoulder Rafael. it appears you have found the comparison results you were hoping for =)

if you really want to use word "fair" and or "unfair"...that's fine. while the reference set-up in this comparison was configured as recommended or near optimally, the PWT was not. i didn't/won't use the word unfair but will say it was not a *good* comparison if one hopes to find out what the PWT/PWD can do. other then that....i had no problem with the comparison. what i do have a problem with is you saying me or anybody else is crying here. talk about BS!
Roger; does anyone have experience connecting the PST transport via hdmi into the new Meridian 621 switcher; which claims to have its new aphodizing filter incorporated; then running that back out into a digital Meridian processor. PS Audio's web page states that their hdmi interface is proprietary; and may only work on their DAC unit for optimal sound...
I am using a G-98 into the 621 switcher via hdmi; and noticed a nice improvement; but want to soon audition the PST; and want to figure out best way of incorporating it...hard to use external dacs with Meridian gear; as their processors convert most all signals back to digital anyway...thanks.
Hello Levy3,

Roger concluded: "...PWT itself does not sound as good as a high-end transport like the Forsell"

In response, you wrote: "...as of release, the PWT and PWD are made to work together in a pretty specific way. super high res DVD recordings, native and memory playback, I2S connection, asynchronous clock, digital filters ect..."

However, transport part of this "specific way" was replicated in Roger experiment in full except the signal was transmitted not by I^2 as recommended by PS Audio. Even if I^2 would be implemented then result for PWT, at best, could be slightly better... nothing more

If my characterization of your objection of stepping out from PS Audio prescribed protocal (as of release, of course ;--) then my deepest apologies.

As self characterized newbie try to distinquish very few, almsot impeccable observations like Roger did from bazzilion of other like above where someone stated that he examined a hansful of hi-rez file using regular USB port which is capable of 16 bit 48 kHz max transmission.

As you can see I am not looking for the budies here but accurate information which Roger provided and this fellow did not. His (probably accurate) observation I attribute in large degree to his faulty methodology and thus almost worthless. I am saying "almost" because others who use noisy computers with non-dedicated UBS port or Sonos as the source and compare to... other PS Audio DAC ( improved by Mr. Cullen or not) should be very clearly happy with his results, and its important and its useful.

All The Best.
no problem Rafael....my original post stated that roger is very likely correct. nothing wrong or unfair about his statements. the only way it could be considered unfair is if PSA was not marketing them as being "fine" hooked up to other equipment in alternative ways. they clearly are so roger's test is as fair as any. as i stated in reply, the PSA duo is very proprietary at this point imo. this in and of itself is a negative thing for many i'm sure. i agree with your idea that selling them as a set would be the best way to go. unfortunately business's don't always do what is best for the consumer. they're after our money for the most part.

regardless of how PSA chooses to sell/market them, i think they were/are made for each other and should be paired to hear their full potential. not doing so leaves alot on the table in my eye's. at my demo, the dealer briefly hooked up an alt connection and i heard a substantial difference instantly(forgot which connection he used...sorry).

in the end....i think we are in agreement. i by no means think either PSA piece's are "the best". with my limited experience.....i couldn't even tell you what the best transport or dac would sound like. those kind of determinations are better made by folks with alot more knowledge then i(like rodger. you and many others around here). i am smart enough to know my own limitations ;-).

i just took offense to your "cry" comment. not a big deal really but here is what i was looking for in a transport only comparison. 1st...use the PSA duo together with the I2S connection and hi res audio. then take the reference transport and plug it into the PTD and do the same. this way....you would be comparing the PWT and the reference transport(forsell) in their corresponding, recommended, optimal set-ups. again...this is only what i personally would like to see/read/hear. not saying it's more fair or a better comparison. that's how i'm buying them so that's what i wanted to see.

shazam- what are your thoughts on the various media types?. have you had a chance to compare redbook, reg cd's, high res dvd, ect... thanks for the write up. look forward to more of your input.


Hello Levy3,

".....use the PSA duo together with the I2S connection and hi res audio. then take the reference transport and plug it into the PTD and do the same. this way....you would be comparing the PWT and the reference transport(forsell) in their corresponding, recommended, optimal set-ups."

Sure, you are absolutely right here. Since I do not own PWD then for me (and people like me) the choice of the DAC has academic interest only - as long as its qigh quality obviously. For people who have or will have PWD, your idea will be much more interesting and more importantly, very relevant. Agree with you - 100% Sorry for miscommunication again.

All The Best