I have 3 Mpingo discs on the top and am using myrtle blocks underneath as footers. I've tried Vibrapods and Vibracones and the sound became worse! It is a strange beast. Have you noticed the felt pads on the bottom of both the DAC and Transport? I wonder what they do so kind of tweak? I'm also using Signal Cables HDMI between the DAC and transport and Signal Cable's Magic Digital Powercord. I brieftly tried VH Audio's Flavor 4 powercords on both and they seemed to give it more slam, but the Magiic Digital Cables seem more natural. I should mention that I'm also using a Solidsteel stand. Recently I've really upgraded my system, and felt that the PerfectWave components fit in well with my sonic goals. To me, it sounds very natural, wide open, with a wide and deep soundstage. I did find that the Mpingo Discs made a significicant change for the better. I'm just now experimenting with myrtle blocks. I'm considering changing the fuses to an "audiophile" grade fuses if and when I can find the correct sizes. I'd also like to try PS Audio's powercords and HDMI cable, although I'm a big Signal Cable fan. I know of several audio salons that are now using the Perfect Wave components in their reference system.
Cullen Audio is supposed to be considering mods for both the units.
Hope this helps.
Cullen Audio is supposed to be considering mods for both the units.
Hope this helps.