The weirdness of it all

Power cables and power conditioning seem the next focus components.  While I struggle, as I'm sure many do paying premium for a chunk of wire, it seems that when done well, that chunk of wire is now an influential component in the chain allowing everything to shine.

I've slowly been upgrading all PCs with Furutech 4.1 with appropriate connectors and it has been nothing short of revelatory moving the needle of performance for the whole system.  I can liken it to completely refining a fuel injection system which in turn allows everything to work better producing better performance.

I've capped my insanity with the Furutech and do not see myself moving beyond that.  While certainly real capital, not hide the women and children capital like some products left unnamed.


I’m trying one out now but it’s broken in. I need two for the amps. Was just wondering about the break in. I remember my 55n with FI-50 NCF plugs took well over 500-600hrs. I lost count and then it just all came together. 

Think you guys are correct in your break-in estimates of 500-600 hrs.  Seems as if I’ve reached that and everything has opened up considerably.  How weird is that?

Also have the top-of-the-line Furutech outlet, so I’m sure that needed break-in also. That’s the downside of upgrades; the wait.  Think I’m good now.  I can just enjoy.

Also, it’s as if the system is given more”oxygen”.  My Luxman preamp gives -db readings for volume.  Usually run about -37db, now -45db for same levels, so backed off about 8.

No, I do not possess a decibel meter, but believe I can subjectively gauge that much difference.