I compared the SX with the FrontRow on my Yamaha NS5000 speaker, CODA #16, and Benchmark LA4 preamp. I also used a Benchmark AHB2 amp in the evaluation of the cables. I also had WyWire Diamond and Platinum speaker cables.
With the CODA #16 amp, the Audience AU24 SX and FrontRow were excellent. The FrontRow being better for my tastes. More detail with the sense of no cable being used.
When I changed to the Benchmark AHB2 I had some very minor fatigue with all the cables except the FrontRow. The irritation I heard was at different frequencies for each cable, but whatever gremlin was there I heard it via the AHB2.
The FrontRow was perfect with the AHB2. I no longer have the amp since I wanted a more powerful amp.