DCM Time WIndow Identification Help

Hello - I just purchased a used pair of DCM Time Window speakers, but I’m having a heckuva time finding which model they are. They have the traditional TW cabinet design, but the top "rounded" portion is actually made from a series of angled polygon straight edges - see pics. 36 inches tall, 12.5 inches wide. Owner said he’d purchased them new in 1994. Any help would be appreciated. They sound terrific, by the way. He had the woofers re-edged a few years back.https://imgpile.com/p/ygHgoRw#2QoBFEOhttps://imgpile.com/p/ygHgoRw#fLTddCl

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It's similar - I think mine might be a second generation Model 3. Serial number starts with "30". The top plate is different than the one in the video. 

I was a DCM dealer and those are marked ARD Time Window"?  Wonder if DCM was originally ARD and these are their first models.

A little different, but a little the same...

Another clue came from my final conversation with the original owners. He bought them in South Africa. ARD Time Window speakers are discussed here: 


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AA was on Long Island. I had a pair as well. I remember those were the days everyone used lamp cord to hook up speakers.