CDP / DAC Advice required

I'm looking for a new CDP/DAC. I heard my friend's Wadia 581 last week, I like it so much but would like to have something less serious, less powerful than it. Can you all advice me some?
under 3K for CDP/ inder 2k for DAC
In your price range, I really love the Benchmark DAC3, and you can usually find them here for around $1600 used.

Audio Research CD3 MKII for around $3k used
The finest audio component I have ever owned

I'm sorry, I meant to say that I really loved the Bel Canto DAC3 for $1600 used, not the Benchmark DAC3 which doesn't even exist.

Based on my experience:
Benchmark DAC1
Bel Canto DAC3

their performance are far away behind my friend's Apogee mini DAC on the same system set up with varity set of cables tested. And Apogee mini dac stil far away behind Wadia.

Just EMC that I never heard, thanks you all guys.
Hi Uglystupid,

Wow, I'm a little surprised that the Apogee mini beat the Bel Canto DAC3, head to head.

I found the Benchmark to have excellent low level resolution, a wide soundstage but not a deep soundstage, it is analytical, brighter, and more forward sounding than the Bel Canto DAC3. The Bel Canto DAC3 is a little warmer, more Analog-like, less digital sounding, and it has a deeper soundstage, but not as wide as the Benchmark, and the sound is set back behind the speakers

Just a heads up, the Bel Canto DAC3 takes 100 hrs just to warm up and stabilize, this is also listed in their Owner's Manual on page8.

Initially the Bel Canto DAC3 sounds; cold, distant, and un-involving for the first 2-3 days and then on the 4th day, all is good in the world. If it's possible I would suggest that you demo it again, after it's plugged in for 4 days. I'm not kidding, when I first plugged mine in, I was so disappointed, I thought something was wrong with it.

Furthermore it also sounds better through the 110 ohm AES/EBU Digital inputs and the XLR Analog Outputs. I had also noticed that if you have 2 digital sources plugged in to it at the same time, than that also decreased the sound quality, I'm not sure why this occurs, but I have found this too be the case with some very expensive DAC's as well.

What type of transport are you using? and Are you using a preamp, or were you running the DAC3 directly into an AMP?
