Do your ears deceive you?

If you think cables, interconnects or other wiring make a difference, yes they do. This is a long article so I won't post it here but will a link describing how blind testing results in correct guessing that is no more accurate than random chance. Enjoy.


Blind testing



It’s kinda funny....I’ve wanted every single set of cables I’ve ever installed in my system to sound like "The Ones", yet several sets hang on the wall of my basement shop, got passed on my boys, or got resold, because once all the excitement and expectation bias wore off, they just weren’t what I had hoped they’d be.

That pretty much describes the audiophile condition I have observed, participated in (for years), and read about here and on other forums, and even in professional review publications, over the past 25+ years.  Everyone is looking for The One great thing that will clarify, tonally densify, and totally transform their system.  

I have read countless posts and reviews about about cables, fuses, Class D amps, and all sorts of small filter boxes, and testimonials from early adopters about the latest and greatest missing link they added to create their final perfect system…until the next latest, greatest thing came out.  Many of us have boxes of cables, footers, and electrical do-dads that came in with a bang and went out with a whimper.  Yes, I agree there are (subtitle) differences to be heard but IME the lasting effect is usually far less than the hype.  Black, red, blue, orange, purple, and pink, the one thing all of this stuff has had in common these past 25 years is dollar$.  The folks selling this still are mostly selling hope.


Disagree with the OP about what? Are you saying that they disagree with him about the problems with blind testing? How are we supposed to know that they disagree just because you show us that they are all educated?

Confirmation bias is real. But some cables do make a difference. If you can’t hear it you either have the wrong cables, an insufficient system, an inability to hear those differences or confirmation bias against cables. 

+1 @zlone