Recommend an MC cartridge

I have a Pure Fidelity Harmony TT with an Audio Origami PU7 tonearm and Stratos cart (modified Gold Note Donatello Gold) and have ordered a Whest Titan Pro phono stage. I'm looking for a suitable cartridge to replace the Stratos. I prefer something from My Sonic Lab, Ortofon or Hana.

Any suggestions?


You might also want to look at Benz, and Ikeda cartridges, or even EMT cartridges.

It is worth listening to Shelter Harmony, if the budget allows. I have tried in my system most of the above referenced cartridges and Harmony sounds the best all around. My other preferred choice will be the MSL Signature Gold. Good luck in your search.

Also the Mutech Hyabusa in past investigations has been made known to fall into the category of competing with the sonic of MSL Cart’s I have posted Links in the past to such comments made by a very experienced individual using a large range of Japanese Origin Cart’s.

If Purchasing in the US, do make sure the Warranty Period is clearly made known in writing by the Vendor. It has been made known on the Gon, a purchase made not too long ago for a $10K Cart’, was to supplied a Cart’ with a 12 Week Warranty.

++1 on the Hana Umamis. They enjoy a broadly held reputation for (pardon the cliche) punching above their respective weight classes in the $2500 / $4000 range.



I should also mention that WAM Engineering usually stocks a few units of both Umami models that it has photographed & analyzed microscopically for research purposes before releasing for sale, allowing buyers to accurately set a purchased unit’s rake & VTA (most precisely done with the company’s WallyTools). WAM throws in the analysis for free, which seems like a pretty good deal. (I plan to buy one myself in the next month or so.)