Recommend an MC cartridge

I have a Pure Fidelity Harmony TT with an Audio Origami PU7 tonearm and Stratos cart (modified Gold Note Donatello Gold) and have ordered a Whest Titan Pro phono stage. I'm looking for a suitable cartridge to replace the Stratos. I prefer something from My Sonic Lab, Ortofon or Hana.

Any suggestions?


++1 on the Hana Umamis. They enjoy a broadly held reputation for (pardon the cliche) punching above their respective weight classes in the $2500 / $4000 range.



I should also mention that WAM Engineering usually stocks a few units of both Umami models that it has photographed & analyzed microscopically for research purposes before releasing for sale, allowing buyers to accurately set a purchased unit’s rake & VTA (most precisely done with the company’s WallyTools). WAM throws in the analysis for free, which seems like a pretty good deal. (I plan to buy one myself in the next month or so.)

Regarding Soundsmith I have read about a few bad experiences with very new carts having issues and the owner being left out in the cold. 

@dwcda would like to see those issues regarding SoundSmith. Maybe a customer had an issue but if Peter L didn't resolve the issue well that would totally surprise me.

There was another but I can't find it right now.

From that link:

I asked Sound-smith for a refund of $450 paid for the service, just to be accused that I caused all the problems with the cart by not using it correctly! Now I do not have the money or the cart that works. I can only advise everyone to be careful next time when you consider them for a retipping job.