The only way my way will work is if the output on sub1 sends the full signal to sub2, which it won’t. It’s low pass filter at the input I believe will stop the lows there and only pass on the higher signal through the high pass filter on its output to sub2 negating what having a second sub in the mix is for in the first place since no low Hz signal will be going to it.
Now you’ve got me going for my own supply of baby aspirin, @thecarpathian.
There’s only filters on your subs, not active.
Also use the crossovers and filters on the subs.
I apologize if I confused or frustrated anyone.
I am not at all frustrated, but I can understand how anyone could be confused after reading through all of this.
On edit: but be sure to let us know how you feel about the sound when you put the 'Y' splitters in.