speakers and cables

this is about me being a loser and problem creator.

I finally got a 2nd subwoofer and I was excited to hook it up. Well, not too excited. I knew it would be a pain to hook it up. I was excited to hear it. I spent over 90 minutes connecting the speaker wires to my power amp. When I turned it on, the left channel was gone. It blew the fuse. I disconnected everything, replaced the fuse, hooked it up again. It worked for 10 seconds, blew the fuse again.

The way I hooked them up was I went from the sub speaker out from both subwoofers, rolled the left and right side wires together so I had 4 wires that I connected to the left and right plus and minus channels - speaker binders on the power amp. What are my options? My preamp has no sub out. Nor my amp.

Stupid question: should I just go from left to left on one sub and right to right on the other sub?


Ok so this would only work with the Y splitter - in the preamp - amp scenario?

Envision it this way: high pass filter INSTEAD of ’Y’ splitters.

FROM the preamp L & R RCA outs

TO the high pass L & R RCA ins

FROM the high pass there will be two sets of RCA outs

one set of RCA outs from high pass will be designated ’sub’ and obviously there will be a set of RCA cables from there to subs. This will be a full frequency signal that will be edited by the sub’s low pass.

The other set of RCA outs will be designated as ’amp’ (or something like that ) and that set of RCAs will go FROM high pass  to the amp. It is this set of RCAs that will carry 80 hZ and above (if that is what the high pass is set at).


You would need one per speaker! Are you sure that you are not mixing up a high pass filter with a high pass xover?


LOL, knew I opened up a can-o-worms. 

There are of course several ways to do this.....

Using RCA cables, they make filters that attach right to the end of the cable, then go into the amp. 

They also make ones that go on the speakers these would go in series with the speaker cable, through the XO, then out to the speakers.

For both options you would need 2 pieces of each. Both are about the same price, with their own pro/con 

Yes, you would want a hi-pass filter for the mains, and a low-pass for the subs. Sorry for the confusion 


Hi-pass RCA

here is some info so you can better understand....
