Replace them both with a good tube DAC. I use a lampizator tube dac and no pre. However, the volume control on the Lampi isn’t great so I use a Transformer Volume Control.
Preamp or DAC
Hello all. My system consists of the following:
Coda 16 Amp, Coda 07x preamp, Holo May KTE Dac, Aurender N20, Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers and a pair of REL 812 subs. I am considering changing either the preamp or Dac. I would like to go with tubes. Would you think I would get more sq change in changing the preamp or Dac? I am thinking Dac but I wanted to hear your opinions. Considering ARC, new Don Sachs or Aric Audio in pres and Lampizator or other in DACs. So, would the preamp or DAC make a bigger difference? I will say I have a $12k to $15k budget.