Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality

I currently stream Qobuz and Tidal through my Lumin T2. I have had this about 4 years. I have AT&T fiber optic internet to the house the ethernet cable direct to the Lumin. About 30' of cable from the router to the device. I was thinking of using the Lumin only as a streamer and adding a conceivably better DAC. Is this a legit way to go about a more resolving sound. To my ears there is a slight veil over everything and maybe a little etched overall, bass response is great. I was also hoping for a recommendation for the DAC if this is a good option. $6,000 budget new or used is fine. I have had very good luck with used equipment over the years. Thanks, Allen.


To answer the original question, I have gotten exceptionally good results with dCS Network Bridge and Merason DAC1. This setup has a very musical and organic sound. When you forget about the equipment and just enjoy the music you know that you have got it right.

A capable system indeed. Try the tweaks for the network, hopefully that smoothes things out. As for DAC’s I will second the Merason suggestion, I have a Reuss, very natural. 

You could try a different DAC.  Many people who actually understand networking are very skeptical of network tweaks.  Switches and network cables don’t have a sound, except silence when not working.

Many people who actually understand networking are very skeptical of network tweaks. Switches and network cables don’t have a sound, except silence when not working.

@jji666 Many people who understand networking refuse to just use their ears because they’ve convinced themselves something can’t possibly make a difference. You’ve also said streamers have no sound so let’s consider the source here. It’s fine to be skeptical, but dismissing something without hearing it is arrogant and ignorant — but it’s a lot easier, I’ll give you that.

Why the name calling and assumptions?  I've used hundreds of network cables, dozens of switches and routers.  

What I said about streamers was that they weren't something to "match" with analog components as tone controls - i.e. to add warmth to a cold system type of thing, and that matching a DAC was the better bet to "mate" with that OP's gear, as that OP asked (different thread). 

This OP asked if there might be a sound improvement from using an outboard DAC versus what's built into his streamer.  I think there might be and would well prioritize that over questionable network tweaks. My suggestion is to focus budget on a core component like a DAC.