Chinese fake cables How fake, how good?

I have noted a number of warnings about cheap Chinese fake cables on this site but curiosity led me to the Aliexpress site where I found a number of presumably fake big name cables from predominantly Cardas, Nordost and Siltech at about 15% of the USA or Australian price. I found Cardas Clear Light interconnects at about US$100 and decided what the heck let's give them a try at that price. Before buying I asked the seller the daft question as to whether they were genuine and got the reply that they were an OEM and constructed the interconnects from genuine Cardas cables and connectors. They arrived in a plastic bag rather than the Cardas box , not a great start but the cables looked real, and when connected, much to my surprise, they sounded really good. After 100hours or so burn in they sounded great and better than the Nordost Quatre Fils I had been using. I then took them to an Australian hi end dealer who sold real Cardas and asked rather ingenuously whether my cables were the real deal. The dealer would not commit but agreed to compare them to the real thing on a set up costing at a guess around A$100,00. Neither I nor the sales person could tell any difference so he then tried them against the Cardas Clear. Then there was some difference, not extreme but subtle, and certainly IMO not worth the price difference even if you bought the genuine Cardas Clear Light. So are these cables really fake and even if they are given my experience they are well worth a try. Maybe I'll try Nordost Odin or Siltech 770i next.

The big problem I see with these knock-off cables is this... many times either the vendor or the consumer has no knowledge of the fact that they are fake! ( much worse if the vendor does actually know, and tries to pass them off as real!)

This situation leads to a cable that is really worth minimal $$ selling for an amount that is possibly comparable price wise to the real thing and leading to ongoing fraud, whether intentional, or not. Furutech cables/products come to mind here, as they have been copied extensively and sold all over with little knowledge of what is the legitimate product..and what is a cheap knock-off!!

I have always loved home grown Chinese brands (xangsane, jungson, etc).

But, I also got some Chinese Nordost recently since the price was right. I wouldn’t call it fake...I call it a ’Chinese expression’ (inspired by)...sorta like an artistic expression and it sounds great for the price (punches way about it’s weight).

The Chinese Nordost sounded even better than the 14k US Nordost, it appears (as someone noted). Why am i not surprised? But, I don’t own a US Nordost for comparing. My wallet just said no...." bueno", it said.

I prefer the home grown Chifi brands though and I shall always be grateful to the great Chinese people for taking great care of my wallet and auditory needs.

Here is the reference audiophile track you should use when doing a comparison of US Nordost (14k) Vs the Chinese Nordost (80 dollars). Turn up the bass.

Vitas- Made in China


Happy Listening (and dancing).


@deep_333  Why do you think the Chinese manufacturer's do not give their fake goods a different name than the originals? I ask this, as it seems to me that the intent here is not to make a product that is an 'Chinese expression' like you mention, but instead one that can perhaps be mistaken for something that it clearly is not! 


But, I also got some Chinese Nordost recently since the price was right. I wouldn’t call it fake...I call it a ’Chinese expression’ (inspired by)...sorta like an artistic expression and it sounds great for the price (punches way about it’s weight).

The Chinese Nordost sounded even better than the 14k US Nordost, it appears (as someone noted). Why am i not surprised? But, I don’t own a US Nordost for comparing. My wallet just said no...." bueno", it said.

that’s gold right there