As an owner of O/93's I can not help you as to an integrated but feel compelled to tell you that the Auditorium 23 speaker cables really do something magical with the O/93's. They are more pleasing than Cardas Clear Beyond that I also have. I have three amps and one of them is an integrated of sorts, an Ampsandsound Nautilus. Eight watts of no negative fb and pure SET is beautiful with the O/93's in a smaller room. 80 watts and 160 watts with an ARC Ref 6 and the Ref 80S and Ref 175SE provide more control and macro-detail but less micro-detail and less relaxing, "just let it wash over you" sound. The sound signature of the O/93 remains the same throughout so the choice of cabling imho is more important.
Now that said, I auditioned the O/93's with a Sugden preamp into a VAC amp at Don Better Audio (who no longer seems to be a Devore dealer) and maybe it was his room but I would never use anything but all-tube with these speakers.
If you want authoritative low end, you chose the wrong speaker and even the O/96's won't punch you in the gut. If you want true tube magic at the expense of a tight low end, take a hard look at a 300B integrated. Remember-there is no system that "does everything" and there are always compromises. The inner beauty of low powered SET's, particularly with 300B's, is analogous to the old wine saying that "people start with cabernet, but all roads end at Burgundy".