bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners

hi, I have the cd2 transport dac 3 digital front end, and next week I am going to add the new vps power supply, which takes place of the power supply in both the cd2 and dac 3, has any one out there done this yet ? is it worth the money ? I know that better power supplies make about anything sound better, but this is a $2,000 upgrade so I hope its worth it ! thanks, chris
I imagine that the cost of having one output vs the three outputs that exist on the VBS1 wouldn't be that much less. You still have the component chassis and all the same technology employed, so I wouldn't think that the savings would be that much at all. So, don't think of it as wasting money if you're only using one of the outputs. If you spent less money and didn't get something nearly as good, then I'd consider that a waste. So, if you say that you want "the best possible performance path" then the VBS1 is the way to go whether you're powering one Bel Canto front-end component or as many as three.

The VBS1 is really a step up across the board. The noise floor is already very low with the LNS1, but it's even lower with the VBS1. The VBS1 provides a more relaxed and natural sounding presentation that allows you to get immersed into the music in a better way. Subtle details and delicacy is better with overall better refinement in a totally non-analytical manner. Go to the review section on our site and see the reviews of the VBS1. I think the reviewers got it right when they talk about the difference the VBS1 makes. I know I wouldn't want to be without it in my system and I already use good line conditioning. The VBS1 still takes performance further.
I owned a DAC 3, and though the cosmetics and faceplate were impressive, I was very unimpressed with the sloppy, substandard soldering that was evident throughout the boards. I also found a cold solder joint. I was then interested in seeing the insides of other units to compare. I found different size transformers with different values, along with different brands of some capacitors. My opinion of this approach in the production line is far from positive.
zear, how were you able to see inside other dac 3s ? are you a dealer ? are you a dealer for a competitive product ? I have looked inside my dac 3 and are nothing but impressed with the build quality. when you post slanderous comments about any product, you raise suspicions about your motives.
So, does the VBS1 have three separate power supplies
for the three outputs, or is it just one power supply
driving three outputs?
VBS1 Features:
• Low Noise Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) provides over 90% energy efficiency, specific control over
operating parameters of the supply, and high levels of isolation with significantly lower audio band noise
than traditional 50/60 Hertz transformer based linear supplies
• Extensive input filtration, low noise rectification and high energy storage prior to the SMPS
• Massive bank of LC filtration using compound inductors, parallel electrolytic capacitors and final stage
polypropylene capacitors to ensure hundreds of amperes of peak current capability and low noise across
a wide frequency spectrum
• ½ of a Farad of total capacitance (500,000 microfarads) and over 100 Joules of energy storage
• 10X to 100X lower noise floor than traditional linear power supply
• Provides over 100 dB of isolation starting below 100 Hz
• Compact SMPS isolation transformer for superior isolation from the power line