bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners

hi, I have the cd2 transport dac 3 digital front end, and next week I am going to add the new vps power supply, which takes place of the power supply in both the cd2 and dac 3, has any one out there done this yet ? is it worth the money ? I know that better power supplies make about anything sound better, but this is a $2,000 upgrade so I hope its worth it ! thanks, chris
I talked to belcanto and they said that they are about to come out with a new software upgrade, probably next month.
Are you referring to CD 2 firmware?
Is the software user's upgradable?
Do you know what the features of the new firmware are?
I use my BC CD2 as a transport through aes/ebu connection to a ARC DAC8, does anybody know if there is any advantage replacing the original power supply with the LNS1?
Firmware is upgradeable by a dealer that has access to the Bel Canto programming board and software.

For the CD2, I don't think you'd see any benefit replacing the original power supply with the LNS1. Now the VBS1, that's a different story.